Kelly Burton
Books • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
I want to create a community where we are free to discuss what is clear to reason. Our focus is philosophy, religion, and culture. I will promote these goals through posting original video and audio content, hosting discussions on Zoom, and interacting to build a united community interested in pursuing what is Good, True, and Beautiful.
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Mid-June Update

Hello, Friends,

I apologize for the lack of activity here for the past week (okay past month); I was in an intensive "summer institute" for the college. I hope to get back to recording the Biblical Narrative podcast soon. I have 2/3 of my notes written up for the work of the Holy Spirit episode. I hope to write the last 1/3 ASAP.

We are hoping to publish Dr. Redpath's e-book ("How to Read a Difficult Book" ) within the next week or so, and @ZakSchmoll's upcoming publication "Disability and the Problem of Evil" is in the typesetting phase (I am determined to learn to typeset with InDesign, so I am taking a course). Public Philosophy Press is in the process of examining new manuscript submissions that I hope to tell you about soon. Remember, your support in this community is going towards the publication of these works. Thank you!

Life has gotten too busy, so I have been working on eliminating what is not working and reorienting my focus on what is working. Sophia School has been consolidated into Logos Paideia, as has the Journal of Public Philosophy. I have been tasked with getting Logos Paideia off the ground as an educational platform. We hope to begin offering college-level philosophy and religious studies courses in the Fall. The Public Philosophy Society came to a natural end (as we are no longer having public lectures in person at the college). I invited the members of the PPS to join us here on Locals for book discussions and conversation. I hope to schedule our online meeting to discuss the work before us this week.

In addition to publishing and beginning an educational organization, I have been working little by little on my own book "Reason: The Foundation for Epistemology." I decided slow and steady work is okay.

A revelation that I had this week during my training at the college is that my leadership style is "laissez-faire" (, which means I don't really take an active leadership role. This is good for some things, such as with my publishing team, but this is not good for leading this community. Now that I am a bit more aware, I will endeavor to be a more active leader, but feel free to step up and get involved.

Have a good weekend!

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Thank you For The Support: Meet Miles

I was out in the studio making videos today, and I was thinking about how grateful I am to have you in this community. Thank you for your support. Here is a little video.

Welcome to My Intellectual Community

Hello, welcome to my Locals community, where we engage in the life of the mind together. I hope that we can take all the great discussions that we have had through YouTube, Facebook, in a college class, in the Public Philosophy Society, at a Ratio Christi meeting, at a coffee shop, or wherever we have had the chance to converse, and continue that discussion here.

I want to foster ongoing conversation among like-minded individuals based on shared common ground to make progress towards unity in the faith and of the faith.

By joining the community, you will have access to exclusive video and audio content that I am creating, live online discussion groups, book reviews, updates, and socializing with a great bunch of people.

Do you enjoy philosophy, Christianity, books, apologetics, Bible study, coffee, spiritual growth, and friendship? These are a few of our values. Join us.

More Tips for Time Management

On April 20, I posted an audio recording for the community on "Tips for Time Management." Since then, I have had some feedback and questions. Here is a follow-up audio recording with more tips. Please leave your questions and feedback below.

More Tips for Time Management
Tips for Time Management

A member of our community asked me for some tips for time management. Because I like to maximize my energy, instead of just shooting off a quick email response, I decided to make an audio recording, hoping that what I have learned through suffering will benefit others.

If you want to add some time management tips of your own, please feel free to do so in the comments below.

Tips for Time Management
Live chatted 02/26/2021
Reflections on Covenant Community [Edited]

I made a short audio recording reflecting on wonder, brokenness, misunderstandings of reason and the individual, and how to fix brokenness with covenant communities, like this one. Your input is welcome.

If you find this content valuable, please consider becoming a supporter of this community (if you have not done so already).

Reflections on Covenant Community [Edited]
Switching Gears

Dear Friends,

Hello, I want to thank you all for your support over the years. As my ministry work centers more on The Logos Foundation and publications for Public Philosophy Press and Logos Papers Press, I cannot continue active engagement on the Locals site. I have appreciated each one of you and your contribution to this community.

Please be sure to discontinue your monthly contributions. If you want to continue the conversation, please find me on Facebook under Kelly Burton in Young, AZ. Here is where to find me:

I will leave the Locals page up for a time.

Thank you again for your support, encouragement, and engagement.


August 08, 2023

For those of you who might be interested in Philosophy courses and critical thinking, I have setup a course on The Socratic Method that teaches students the principles of the method and gives them weekly guided discussion sessions so that they can practice and develop their skills.

If any of you might be interested in this (or know someone who) but have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me and let me know or you can even book a free consultation if you want to get a feel for the method in practice:

Collected Essays Table of Content

I thought I should share the table of contents for Dr. Gangagdean's Collected Essays book. Here is it:

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